Made by a recent Michigan Technological University grad, distmap is a python script that uses google maps to display points on a world map showing the origin of users who have accessed your files/distributions. This script is extremely useful for mirrors like how it is currently used over at the Linux Users Group of MTU.

Dependencies: GeoIP, PyMaps, and apachelog.

Download: Github


Set your mirrors and any other settings toward the top of the file.

Also set your locations:

GEOIP_DB = “/usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat” APACHE_LOG = ‘/var/log/apache2/access.log’ VSFTPD_LOG = ‘/var/log/vsftpd/access.log’ RSYNCD_LOG = ‘/var/log/rsyncd/access.log’ OUTPUT_HTML = ‘/var/www/default/html/map/map.html’ HOME_LATLONG = (47.1544,-88.6471) GMAP_API_KEY = “

Using cron, you can keep the geoip db up to date:

cd ~; wget -N -q; gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz;mv GeoLiteCity.dat /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat

And then set it up to run as often as you want fresh stats (using cron).

I have not actually deployed it yet but if I run into any hickups, I’ll report back.

Mario Loria is a builder of diverse infrastructure with modern workloads on both bare-metal and cloud platforms. He's traversed roles in system administration, network engineering, and DevOps. You can learn more about him here.